Wednesday, January 30, 2008


We have been hearing about this problem for quite some time and enough is finally enough!

Recently a police raid uncovered what was said to be 2000 baggies of crack cocaine in one of the most notorious parts of town for cut-ups. Places where landlords divide up the property (usually beyond what is allowed by code) into as many units as possible to maximize their income. Some are legal, but often many are illegal and contain code violations which put their residents in harms way.

I know the current administration has stated that it is going to make illegal rentals a priority, but it is time for the City Council to help make them stick by raising the fines for illegal rentals and driving those who have them out of business.

We need to attack the problem with a rising pyramid of fines and penalties. First violation should be a small fine and a short amount of time to fix the situation, Second a $10,000 fine, 3rd a $50,000 fine. The City should actively seek to put a lean on these properties and take control of them if necessary.

A good offense is always a good defense. By going on the offense these slumlords would be forced to fix the problems, sell or force losing their investments.

It is time to do something about it ....... NOW!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Times Message Board controlling discussions!

Recently the Times management has chosen to upset the apple cart. Choosing to ban posters and delete threads without explanation.

The question is who is behind the pulling of these threads? Is it external pressure from advertisers? Political pull being used? Or just the Times trying to limit and control editorial content?

The board has been a wild place on and off at different times before without control. Suddenly very pertinent topics are being yanked mid discussion. Topics that are very vital to the long term future of NW Indiana and Hammond. Topics that are very worthy of discussion among very different view points.

Enquiring minds want to know? What are your motives or reasoning Times?